Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 67, 68, 69, 70

24,25,26,27 June, 2011

These few days had been great. I had been working on quite a few things. It includes GP website, Rural BPO story and Abhepuri website. We visited Abhepuri on 23rd. We had made the teams. Ashok and the team were quite enthusiastic about the website. But the excitement seems to be dampened as soon as we left the place. I had been following this up with them since last three days but got little response from the team. But thats how work happens here. We need to do a lot of follow up to make things work. The good news is that 2 of them had almost finished their work. Probably would be visiting abhepuri again for the website and one more FGD.

Moreover, I mailed a lot of people from the rural BPO sector. I got a few responses too. I interviewed Mr Ashwanth of DesiCrew management team. He was a wonderful person to talk with. I got a lot of insights from the interview. More interviews inline. Mr Prashant from Sai Seva Solutions is to be interviewed tomorrow.

In these days in addition to the above, I got opportunity to interact with RD Mathur. He is amazing person to talk with. He has an anecdote for every question. That hows how adventurous and amazing life he had. He is almost 85. Till date, he hadnt had a proper salary in his bank account. He started building the MRA centre in 1963 with 1800 Rs in the account. Still, he had never slept empty stomach. He had been guests of the prime ministers and kings of various countries. JRD tata offered him to live in Taj for 6 months with every thing free. On the other hand he has also lived in a shattered roof leaking homes. We talked at length about topics ranging from Anna Hazare to youth of India. I find myself really lucky to be here and meet such dignified personalities. He is and had been instrumental in many changes that have happened in India and abroad. Be it the formation of Meghalaya of independence of Morroco. A fact is that Morroco's flag was brought to MRA centre before hoisting it in that country as they believed that MRA played a big role in getting the independence.

Anyways, the days are getting busier and busier with the end of internship coming closer and closer. and a lot of work to be done yet.

More later.


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