Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 40 - 52

May 28 to 9th June

This is a long period. I mean 12 days! Well, for me though, it went as if 12 hours. It was hectic... quite hectic. There was a series of events that transpired through these days. A presentation, preparation for the Grampari kids’ camp, the kids’ camp, a post event meeting, me getting sick, a youth camp at MRA and me recovering from the sickness. Let me review them all one by one.

The Presentation.

This was a presentation about the rural resource centre and kiosks. I studied a lot of research papers on the rural kiosks. Some were on understanding the implementation part. Some were on the post implementation part. And some were on the social aspect of it. But a lot of reading happened. I came to know about lot of projects going on in this area like the akshaya project in Kerala, Gyandoot on MP, nlogue in the private sector and a few more. Most of them were on a larger scale like on a district level and state governments being involved in it and a lot of funding happening for them. What I wanted is the kiosk on a lower scale. Well that’s what Grampari is planning to work on. It is not a full-fledged organization of that scale yet where it can do projects of this big volume. So basically I am looking towards having one kiosk on a pilot basis and observe how it goes. I would be uploading a separate post on the topic soon.

Next was the Kids camp. This camp was of 3 days. We expected 50 kids of age 8 to 12. Jayashree aunty asked us, the interns to make a program which turns out not only enjoyable for them but also which can imbibe the core values of IofC in their hearts. We discussed for almost 2 days and came up with a program. The program had wonderful sessions of IofC, games, environment and movies. The kids were supposed to come at 10, start their registration and the program was supposed to start at 12. The day arrived. I reached Grampari at 9. I see 20 kids already there roaming in Grampari. The registration started. Some of us went in the hall to arrange audio and video. We come out after 30 mins and see 40 kids at the registration desk. I was like – They have become punctual! We started with some games and ice breakers to keep the rest of kids engaged while some were still registering. In a matter of 20 mins, the registration desk was over crowded. At 12 noon, we had 72 kids already in and still the 25 kids who confirmed their presence were yet to arrive. At 1 PM they arrived and we had around 90 kids in the campus, with the preparation of only 50! We all went crazy. And on top of it, it started raining on day 2 which did not stop till day 3. But then we managed it nicely! Even this deserves a separate post. J

Since the last day of the camp, my throat was all dead. It is seven days now and am still suffering from throat infection. The throat infection was the result of all the shouting in the camp plus three days being drenched in the rain + a lot of sweet dishes! Just yesterday I went to see the doc. He gave some meds and now it seems to be better, otherwise all night I keep on coughing, disturbing not only my sleep, but also that of my room mate’s.

Moreover, there was a youth camp going on in the MRA. There were some 150 young folks coming from all over the country. They had very strong discipline during the program. The program coordinator, Mr Viral Mujumdar, was very strict about it. Of course he has to be or else these young kids won’t listen him.

Last few days I am not doing much. More on rest. The whole night I would be coughing and the rest of the day, eating and sleeping. Its almost 4 days not doing much work. More over its raining cats and dogs these days in Panchgani. I am fed up of coughing.

All in all, it was a lot of fun and some sickness these days. Posting it was pending since quite long. I would write on the kids camp soon. Till then Ciao!


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