Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 59

16th June

The atmosphere here is awesome and strange. The mornings would be sunny and bright. The noon it would be darker than dusk and it would start raining any time. The wind is confused which direction it has to go and keeps fighting with the trees as if trees are not allowing them to blow. Rain in bright sun is a normal scene here. Today was such day. It was bright in the morning. Grampari team was moving to Pune for a couple of days. I was kind of incharge for the place. All of a sudden a lot of black, dark and heavy clouds covered the sky. It didn’t follow the normal procedure of starting with a drizzle and moving towards heavier side. It jus t started! It was raining cats and dogs, sorry horses and tigers(This was the best analogy I could find in the larger size). I had to reach Grampari by 2 PM as a part of daily routine. I reached and opened the doors of the lab and what I saw was a keyboard and a mouse totally wet because of a whole in the roof of the lab. Ya – in the roof! I had to start rescue operation at warfront as the rains were getting heavier by the minute. I first of all disconnected the electric connections, took the drenched keyboard and mouse and wiped them with cloth. Then I tried finding the plastic covers of the monitors. I covered all the monitors, removed all the key boards, mice and other peripherals and packed them in a cupboard and moved all the CPU cabinets under the table. I ran to the Grampari workshop to see if any large plastic sheet is available. I ran up to the centre as I would not find any plastic sheets. I reported the condition to the admin dept and asked them for some large plastic sheet and if they could help with repairing the roof. They said they would get a large sheet in some time. I went back to Grampari and just as I reached there, opened the door and closed my umbrella, the rains stopped abruptly and sun came out laughing at me. I lost – that’s what the sun wanted to say in that laughter. It is strange – the atmosphere of Panchgani. The changes are more often than my mood swings!


Mayank Chopra said...

This day is my Birth Day.. :)

SD said...

Happy Birthday Mak!

krishna said...

This is the real period of ur life to obrerved and realise nature , system & ur own fillings
for country , social life & uyself.

It might be tought some times but very usefull for all over the life .
