Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 62

19th June, Sunday

This was a perfect sunday. woke up late, went to Lucky Bakery in the town for breakfast with Nikhil. Came back and had a game of paddle tennis. Went back to Market with other interns, met a few peoplw from panchgani, had lunch at the centre, went to Dhom Dam with the interns, had wonderful swim there. And then dinner! Wow! A perfect Sunday.

When I went to market with other interns and Suresh Mathew, I met Bonty - A young lady from Panchgani, but basically Gujarati. She is Suresh's friend. She was a ticking bomb. She teaches english to foreign students in panchgani. She says that she has seen panchgani moving from a green hill station to a noisy town. She has a lot of anger in her for this. I think she should use this anger to do something productive instead of cursing. Anyway, her choice, but glad to know that such people are still there in Panchgani who have the fire to save the town.

More later,

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