Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 53

Recently, there had been some 15 people roaming around the campus of MRA with some heavy electronic equipments on their back. Looked like some cameras and lights and things like that. That was a film production crew. Yes there was some shooting going on here.It was for a documentary being made on MRA-IofC. The guys kept interviewing a hell lot of people around. Some footage was taken for me too. But what made me happy was this person called Nikhil. He is my room mate and is doing his interns here at MRA. He is a mass communication student from symbiosis and the happiest person in that crew. He said that people in his college would die to get a chance to work in a film production crew. I understand how it feels when you get a chance to work on something you really look forward to. He is an amazing person, at least the coolest among the people here. We go along good together. Coming back to the film being produced here, the documentary is meant to cover various aspects of MRA - the history, the present and the future. They are also making a documentary on Grampari. I was interviewed in that regard. It was a nice experience. Almost 10 people are standing behind the camera and you are asked to talk, not to those folks, but to the camera! that s a tough job - atleast for person like me who is more of a social animal! How can u talk to a non living thing. But on the other hand, its that non living thing that gives life to many living things. I heard someone saying this at MRA - The world looks more beautiful through the camera! Anyways, More to come later.


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