Thursday, April 21, 2011


We have a summer internship program in the course. I chose of not opting the normal corporate internship and came to grampari. It is in Panchghani. Grampari is an NGO working for development of rural population. This is my third day in here and I must say it is a wonderful place to be. I have always lived in a city and rarely got a chance to live in a village. And this is that long awaited chance.

The mornings are very similar to what we read in the stories during GOD (Good Old Days). The music of birds and the subtle sun rays waking you up for the wonderful day ahead. The nights are dark and quiet with only the stars twinkling in the sky and moon showering its milky rays on the earth. The sound of silence and the music of wind trying to sing a lullaby for you - that is how it seems. The sleep too is a satisfying one here. No honking of vehicles, no buzzing of machines and no noise of the electric machines. And hence it feels so fresh in the morning as if I slept for 20 hours.

I am really looking forward to a lot of things here. Hope it goes good.



Nishit said...

I am lucky enough that I had such change early in life & got 13 years of village life. Have you ever noticed that in villages you've lots of time for yourself & others. You always able to finish all your work in time & there's no rush at all.

GOD I just want to go back in GOD (Good old Days) :D

SD said...

well thats true :)