Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 10

28th April, 2011

The day was about Stabilizers - Voltage Stabilizers.
We have a lab of 5 computers. We at grampari are starting up with some computer related courses for rural kids. But the lab was not in a good condition. The flooring was really dusty. So we planned to clean it up. So we shifted the computers back to a hall and asked Sashikanth to clean the room. We have also asked the sewing class students to prepare cloth covers for the computers.

There are large voltage fluctuations in the connection we have at grampari. We called the maharashtra board for checking and clearing it out. They have given an estimate quite larger than Grampari can afford at the moment. So we decided to go for Voltage stabilizers. I learnt through some calculations that we needed 2 KVA stabilizer for 5 computers. Now there are 2 type of stabilizers. Relay based and servo motor based. The research is still on. Would be finalizing them by tomorrow.

Later in the night we had a story telling session cum ice cream party at Jayashree Aunty's place. Along with the ice cream, their stories too were amazing. Thanks for that :)


1 comment:

Nishit said...

Swades :D. Would love to hear about fixed stabilizers & working computers.