Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 9

27th April, 2011

Miracle happened today! I woke up at 6 and went for a jog! People who know me, would definitely term it as a miracle. At 7, I went for quiet time session - Something compulsory for all AP residents and which I had been avoiding for days. In this session you sort of keep quiet for some 30 odd mins and then share what ever thoughts you had during that
quiet time. It seems to help you out for the rest of the day and give directions on how to go ahead. Then we(grampari team) went to Panchputhavadi.

It is a village near Abhepuri in Satara district. We went there to discuss the plan for constructing some water shedding techniques and some water conserving tanks. Jared and Jayashree Aunty discussed on the things to be completed and decided on the time lines. I was really surprised to see that from the 20 men in the meeting, there were just 2 of them with black hair! Rest all were with grey hair. Thats roughly 10 %. Taking that as a sample, we find that there are very less young people from th
e working age in that village. I talked to a couple of people there about there family. His whole family was in Mumbai. It was only his mother and him living there in the village. He too came only because the mill he worked for was shut down. His son works in Mumbai in a shop as a sales man. I also met another person - Mr Ashok. He too worked in a mill in Navsari, Gujarat. It was shut down and hence he came back to village and started farming. Thanks to the Mill owners for shutting them down, we got some farmers back working on the land. But now seems a bigger problem. Monsoons are irregular here. Soil fertility is decreasing gradually. And young
generation of farmers is totally missing from the villages. God forbid, but what if the situation worsens! If soil fertility falls further and no farmers to work - how would we get our food! May be I should buy a farm as soon as I start earning.

While returning, we went to a temple in dhomya village and had our lunch on the bank of river Krishna.

Villages are deprived of their basic needs. How come we expect them to get modernized!


Nishit said...

Mr N R Narayanmurthy has very well discussed these soil fertility & other issues related to farming and all those are very disappointing.

Unknown said...

it really has to be a miracle dude....
hope ur enjoing the place and people there.....
would really like to hear from you much more....

SD said...

Nishit, you should visit subhashpalekar's website.... you would really find some interesting facts..