Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 33, 34

21st, 22nd May, 2011, Saturday – Sunday

This weekend was fun. Saturday the interns planned to visit Pune. The Koreans wanted some authentic Korean food and rest all wanted to go for shopping. We started in the morning after tea and reached Pune by 10 30. The shops were still in the sleeping state. So went to one of the malls nearby. The lunch was planned at Café Maroo – a Korean restaurant. Koreans went crazy looking at the restaurant and the menu. Most of the items were non-veg, but they ordered something veg for me. It was a good experience having ‘Kimchi’ – a cabbage salad with a lot of red pepper and ‘Bibbibab’- very similar to mix veg pulao. But then it is always nice to experience something new. And in addition, having the sight of Korean girls eating religiously, I am happy for them. The rest of the day went in shopping! Amazing day.

The Sunday went lazy. Did not do much. Just lazed around, talked to people, cleaned the room and read a book.

More to come later


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