Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 24-25-26-27-28-29-30


One full week. I observe that the frequency of writing is decreasing with the increasing number of days I spend here in Grampari. I would take a note of it and try to make it more frequent.

I don’t even remember what I did on 12th. But I am sure I might not have done anything important. Otherwise I would have definitely remembered it. Neither do I remember what I did on 13th. But I guess I know why I don’t remember the stuff. It was because we were going to meet J ! She was coming on 14th morning. Let us not discuss who she is and where did she come from and what she came for and etc. We were together for 3 days. I really enjoyed the 3 days. Anyway, so that’s till 16th. The 17th went on to make a schedule of rest of the days here. That’s about it. See… How easy it is to shrink things when you really don’t feel like writing. :P

More to come later.


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