Sunday, May 01, 2011

Day 12

30th April, 2011

Start of the weekend. Though there is no such concept of weekend here, but being from IT industry I always wait for the weekends. I planned to see a lot of movies during this 3 months and read a lot of books too. But the schedule here is really a bit hectic. So I thought of taking this weekend off again. But could not do so.
I tested the network connectivity of the lab which I could not do yesterday. All was in mess! Tried clearing them all and by 3 I was able to complete it.

Then made a document about what had happened in Grampari in past few months. Jayashree Aunty helped a lot in that. We had to circulate it among the friends of MRA google group.

The day ended with a visit to market. It was great loitering around doing nothing there. Panchgani is a cool place :P


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