Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The source of light matters!

I had a presentation today. It was about pfizer pharma and its annual report analysis. Ours was the last presentation as we were not ready with the presentation. Our prof allowed us to give it at last. There came our chance. There were not more than 4 members in audience and our faculty member. We were at the podium waiting for the prof to finish his call. The projector was displaying our names on the screen with its sharp light rays. I put my hand in front of my name and the name disappeared from the screen and started appearing on my hand. I tried to hold those letters. I know that was the foolishest thing a 25 year old can do. But I did that and it was fun.

Some times the foolishest things in world teach you lessons for the life time. The names and images were flaunting their sharpness on the screen. But as sson as I kept my hand in between, the screen lost its beauty. It was as dull as before in its milky white color turned grey in shadow. The beauty disappeared as it was depended on some other source of light. Had it been a TV or LCD, no hand on earth could have taken its live colors. This is because the source of light is within the object. This is what happens with all those who shine. Gold doesn't glitter untill it is given external source. Its the radium that glows in the dark. We need to understand these properties. We tend to get impressed by the external sources. We get impressed on things which flaunt the light taken on credit from some other source. We don't understand that the shine is not their own. And thats why we are attracted towards gold. On the other hand, radium, that has its own energy within, glows from inside. Though the glow is not as attractive as gold's glitter, but it definitely proves that radium can stand on itself. It is not dependent on external light. It is powerful from inside - immensely powerful. Such is the internal strenght, that even if we hold that small piece of radium in our hands tightly, it would glow and try to spread light in the small vicinity of your hands.

The power actually lies within. We need to cultivate that power to come out and shine. And just as radium is not oberved untill its dark, the internal power is not discovered untill we are in the state of darkness- where we don't see anything. We are helpless, confused and dull. And then we see that small spot glowing as a ray of hope. Once that internal power is nurtured and cultivated to a full fledged power house, no hand can stop you from spreading the beauty and happiness around. Try to find your powers inside you. Trust yourself. Somewhere when you are in dark, you would find source. Nurture and cultivate it. And the world is yours. Good luck!


kushsays123 said...

Nice one Saurabh!!!

Gargi said...

Great one....You are a good writer...
Thats True...If you are enlighten insde..No one can hide you.

Rati Sinha said...

actully true.....the only thing is somtime we are not capable enough to identify the shine which is within us.
very well narrated...
keep writing... :)

BNEKNH said...

Well said N well thoughts...It's surprisingly feel good when i see your blog... keep blogging and one more thing... I can see the source of light inside you... World's most popular PJ site... ;) jss kidding... once again v.nice thought...keep writing.. because BNEKNH