Monday, September 06, 2010


Finally, am into it. I had been trying to get to an MBA course since long. and now m in it. I like it. I like the college. I like the campus. and the gym too. its again been a long since I have written anything here. I left writing. well, did I start writing? anyways. Now onwards, I would be using this blog for writing my learnings for the lifetime from the class.

Let me first write down what I have learned in last 3 months of my course.
  1. Never think on how it is said. Think on what is said. Try to improve. It would definitely help.
  2. Control your words, they are mirror of your character. Use them precisely.
  3. Hit hard if you wanna hit. That too at the core. There is no point in regretting later.
  4. Ability comes to rescue at the initial levels. Its your attitude that counts later. See Sachin and Kambli.
  5. Keep an eye on watch. Speak less but effective.
  6. Time is the most important resource in universe. Even money can be gained back, Time cannot be.
  7. Be on Time.
  8. Keep your words.
By the way, I've come to know what I want to do ahead. Thanks to SIIB's CCM. I want to become a good communicator/speaker/marketeer/ watever you call it.


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