Saturday, April 13, 2013

A drop of Water

Some of us taken this substance called water, for granted. Me included. We have just assumed that it was, is and will always be available in abundance. And we all, some where deep, know that our assumption is wrong. Yes we do have a lot of water on our planet, but almost 97% is saline. And for our survival, we need fresh water, which counts less that 3% of water present on earth. Out of which ground water is less that 1%.Rest is stored in the form of snow/ice/glaciers/etc.(for more - Wiki Fresh water). The stats may vary a bit, but I am sure the point is still conveyed - Fresh water is not in abundance. It is limited. We also know about the fresh water cycle. Lakes and rivers to clouds to rains to ground to lakes/rivers. So if this cycle works well, why do we need to worry? Thanks to the human activities that are inhumanly disturbing these cycles. I don't want to get into the details of how and why are we disturbing those natural cycles. Point is we ARE disturbing them, and some times we are not even aware that we are doing so. The mere assumption that water is in abundance makes it an irrelevant substance whose accounting can be ignored. Now why am i even talking about this.

There is a village called Pachputewadi. It is a part of a larger village called Abhepuri located near Wait taluka in Maharashtra. During my internship, i was part of a project where we built spring boxes for natural spring around this village. These springs were the ONLY source of water for the villagers during the summer. They use to get around 4-5 buckets of water per family per day from the springs and they would survive on that. I recently got to know that some property builder has got some land on the other side of the mountain which holds these springs and he dug bore well in his piece of land on the mountain. This has resulted in drying up of those springs - and that village is deprived of the very basic necessity for survival - Water. And our politicians - they have a solution - try urinating in those Dams to fill them. But dear sir, from the mere statement u have made, we do understand the dearth of knowledge and wisdom in your grey matter. So let have the opportunity to enlighten you that for urination also, we need to CONSUME some water. How do we arrange for that?

Talking about water comes a thought. Its so amazing that every drop of water has so powerful memory. It never forgets where it has to reach. It knows and it remembers - it belongs to mother earth. Where ever you keep it, in what ever state you keep it - it always tries and tries to go out of your hold and reach down there. Nature has its own ways to make things happen. And that concludes this post - abruptly.