Thursday, May 24, 2012

You've Got a mail

Yes, this was the movie which some how inspired again to write and talk to the unknown world out there. Tom Hanks again influences me to the core of my heart. Thanks Mr. Hanks.

The movie somewhere relates me to some incidents. Don't get it wrong, its not flirting on internet! The way Katherine Kelly (Meg Ryan) thinks after she has said what she actually wanted to say and then regretting all over it. Even though she wanted to say that upfront, it hurts her. It is because that one moment of anxiety or anger, makes her speak things which could hurt the other person. This is against her normal behavior. She normally is kind and polite and not mean to say such harsh things.

This happens to me too. Some times under the pressure of throwing up that untamed anger out, I yell on random people for silly things. I remember, on a pleasant morning, there was an elderly auto rickshaw driver near our apartment and I yelled on him because I was not able to park my car. I realized it after a few moments that it was wrong. I wanted to apologize. But the harm was done and he was gone. I yelled real bad on him. Uncontrolled impulse of anger and frustration mixed with a pinch of harsh words was passed to that autowala. I am sure that would not help him with his already existing bagful of problems. He would have yelled on his other customer or on his wife. She on the other hand would have passed it to the kids who in turn might start hating their parents for no reason. Rather the reason might be me. I might have created a cascading effect of anger and frustration which might have caused irreversible damage to a calm system of relations. And this is not my typical behavior. I believe in making relations and not breaking them. I would have controlled my words and passed on politeness to the autowala and the world would turn a better place at least for that couple of moments. More to that, the same autowala might meet my boss and then he in turn yell on me for no reason! Now unknowingly, I was the initiator of the cycle of yelling and it came back to me in the same form.

This is not one incident. There are many more where I yelled at people for some silly reasons. I want to say sorry to them but now the damage has been done and they are lost. I think we should try to control our temper, be cool increase the tolerance and be polite. Swami Vivekanand said,' World is a mirror, it would show you what you show it.'And I truly believe it. It all comes back to you.

More Later,