Friday, September 16, 2011

FB - the new world

We - the Gen Y - were already so engrossed in extracting the information from the world of WWW, and they gave us social media. They started of with orkut, then the facebook and twitter. It has so changed the basic definitions of the real world. This is no exaggeration of my feelings but the experiences happening to me around.

Friends -

The term has been totally redefined by Facebook. It took me quite some time to befriend a stranger. We would meet by chance/choice for 3-4 times and then if we go along, we just thought that yes, there is a possibility of friendship between us. Today, once we meet, and the next day you find a 'Friend Request' on your facebook account. And out of courtesy, you have to accept the request, or the person might feel offended. And then, the person is able to view everything from you relations to mood swings, groups you are involved in and the games you play. Even my real friends do not know me to this extent! - well only till they were not my friend on FB. (Well, I just noticed that redirects to

Name -
Before FB phenomena, to change your name, you needed to declare it on paper and still you would be called by the same old irritating and annoying name for years to come. Thanks to FB, its not that hard now. In fact, the FB names become the real names of the unreal profiles of the real/unreal people. I have a friend from the 9-11 batch of my MBA college and we still call her 'Dearest Malini' (name changed, or else she will kill me!). Actually we first became FB friends and then a bit of real friends. And after we became real firnds, we still call her with her FB name. One of my FB friends, who happens to be my relative the real world is a self proclaimed 'cooldude'. The name stands like 'cool Manish Makhija' (Name changed again) on his proud FB page. One of my friend didn't like his name. Accidentally, we were real friends before becoming FB friends. I got a request from him for being FB friend. I really didn't recognize him! After a few days he called me up to ask why didn't I accept his friend request on FB. I said, I never received any! Then it was revealed that he has registered on FB with the 'new' name which he got during his job at a call centre! Total 180 degree shift from the core south Indian name to cool americanized name! and well, we've started calling him by his american name. - This phenomena happens naturally. The interaction of FB is many times more than real world interaction.

Assignments -
Well, this is the most interesting one that I've recently come across. e have a wonderful course on 'Process Optimization using Six Sigma' conducted by an equally wonderful facilitator - our Director, Dr. Raman. He gave us a a case study to solve as a class assignment and declared that if the solution matches to the actual solution, 10% extra marks would be given. The case was about identifying the non-value adding(NVA) activities of a process and converting it into value adding activity as far as possible. Our group was able to crack the key NVA. But that out of the box solution and 10% additional marks were yet to be achieved. All of us in the group are trying to find that solution and there it strikes - the video I watched on FB. It was a Tesco's video about the problem faced by them in South Korea. We discussed and applied the solution to the case. To our surprise 3 out of 8 groups had applied a similar solution. Eventually, we got the additional marks too. But the point here is - We solved a case / assignment with the help of FB! And scored 10 % higher marks by that! This is a shift- shift in the way education is going to be transformed using technology.

Imagine - professors conducting class quizzes via twitter and integrating the twitter inputs to the college application of online examination. The notes being circulated through facebook notes! Class videos being shared student feedback being taken though FB questions. There can be a lot more addition to this list if we start those threads of imagination ! I just have a word to say about it - WOW!

I don't know if this all 'FB Phenomena' is happening for good or bad, but the fact is It is happening! But the out outcomes are amazingly and tremendously amazing! - Well, enough jumbling up of words. I need to share this on FB too.

Till then, Njoy!