Friday, July 31, 2009

The irony of my life!

is that when ever I start doing somthing, the circumstances don't let me do that. Since last post, I didnt have a single such thought to write on. Huh!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


It happens to me many a times... I, all of a sudden, think of something n dat leads to a wonderful thought process and the conclusions made through that process is worth writing some where. And then I think of where to write it. A piece of paper? or a diary? or in my mails.. or may be FB status or orkut.. but then these mediums are too outspoken. Paper pieces get washed away with the cloths. Diary is hard to maintain. mails get lost in the mail box and Social sites are too crowded. the status is displayed to even those people who are not interested in what I think. Then this thought process of where to ink my thought lead me to conclusion of this blog and here I am. giving words to my thoughts. I have this blog since long - some 3-4 years. But I used it only to put the good forwarded mails. I hardly get any readers and comments. And thats the best part. I dont want my thoughts to be too much published. These are not that wonderful and imaginative and creative, outlasting, extra-ordinary, life changing thoughts! They are simple thoughts of a not so serious boy(!) in his almost middle 20s thinking himself to be still a teenager. Just can't help it. I dont want to grow. I consider age as just a number. its the heart which ages out. anyways.... whocares. Coming back to what I was writing. The thoughts. This blog I think would be a great medium to pen my words down. Thanks to blogspot :-) rather google, for maintaining my unproductive blog for these long years. by the way am starting this process, so let me introduce my self. Saurabh Acharya - thats my name. At offic they call me SD(my initials. I like this name) and sometimes(rather most of the times, but I don't like this name) call me BABA (Saint in Hindi. No way m not of that kind. Its a long history abt the name.) Professionally, am a software Engg. (But not by heart) . Working in one of the mst reputed companies in India and abroad, as a DBA. I had a wonderful weekend this time. Enjoyed the weekend after almost 5 weeks of continuous work. On sat, took hands on the matrix dvds and completed the 3 parts in one go. Had planned for Harry Potter 6 but couldn't get time. Rest of the time I enjoyed with my family and GF. And endd the weekend with a wonderful dinner at Havmor (Its a eatary brand in India.) Rightnow going through the monday blues. Have to goto office at 1 PM. Yes, I work in shifts. And normally I work in noon shift. Right now watching some wierd program on TV. Shekhar suman suks in this Tedhi Baat.

So, let me end this with the thought of the day I heard yesterday at 'Satsang' -
'What is, is.
(What ever is the present situation, is the present situation. live in it. Dont bother of the past or future, you can not change the past, nor do you know the future! )
If you are in IS, you will be at EASE and if you are not in IS, you are in DISEASE' '
(Here IS is PRESENT.)

I hope you got that!
Let me know if any concerns or questions.
(Damn! this is how we end the official mails.)

Signing off,

P.S. Btw, CNN has a story about Big B. chk it out.
And yesterday found a great source of oracle DB related scripts. Click on the link