Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Saurabh's...jus get ON n N-JOY...!!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saurabh's...jus get ON n N-JOY...!!!
...Visit to Vaishnodevi
hi.. Jus came yesterday from my visit to j n k.. its a cool place.. but ya.. this time twas tought time for us... coz on the very day we reached thr.. thr was a bombblast at the Jammu Bus Station. so we had to face sm wat odd situations thr... other wise twas nice....
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Saurabh's...jus get ON n N-JOY...!!!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Chaos at IIM-A

mast hai man...!!!
Hi ALL ... the work at tcs is really mast... I am working on oracle 10g. our module is basically a system which transfers the data of Gujarat Sales Tax Dept. to the Central Sales Tax Dept., Gov of India. Gujarat's system, called Guj VATIS, has to give the data to the central government's system called TINXSYS- developed by 3i infotech. The data is sent to be on an incremental basis... i.e. every month the updated data is to be sent.
This is my first work at tcs. and my ML and other team members are really very helpful... I've observed that IT industry people are really helpful... to know what is TINXSYS... go to my links.. and for any further in
formation regarding VAT or TCS or anything related.. plz post a msj. i ll try to give out my best. .k bye... n n- joy...!!!